Current status of bevel gear fabrication

For discussions of the various methods of Bevel Machining.
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Current status of bevel gear fabrication

Post by Cowpoke43 »

Just purchased GM hoping to cut some bevels but on reading the discussions I see that most are quite old and maybe way to advanced for my old brain to understand. Equipment wise, I have a 3 axis cnc mill running Mach3 and a universal dividing head. Can the dividing head be set at 45 deg and the teeth be cut one at a time to simulate the 4th axis? If so, has there been any progress on the bevel gear module?
Also, are there any videos on creating bevel gears with GM or plans to do one?
Thanks much :crazy:
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Re: Current status of bevel gear fabrication

Post by ArtF »


Making bevels has been a problem going way back. It really isn't efficient or even possible for the most
part to do a bevel on 3 axis. The best method is to 3d print one and use it as a lost wax type mould. Gearotic
does all its gears with tangential shaving and bevels just cant fit that paradigm.
I have upped the quality in Ticker for the bevels in terms of 3d models, but I wont be doing any
toolpaths for them. Another option for 3d milling one is to use a very fine milling bit and treat the 3d model as
an engraving model, most any artistic package will generate a toolpath as a raster engraving off a 3d model. ITs
as close IMO as one can get with 3d milling something like a bevel.

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Re: Current status of bevel gear fabrication

Post by Cowpoke43 »

Back to the bevel gear project. Have created a bevel gear set using GR and would like to try 3D printing but can not figure how to set the hub diameter, hole diameter, and overall length. Have there been any instructional videos made for bevels?
Thanks. Amazing program.
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Re: Current status of bevel gear fabrication

Post by ArtF »

All of those are really dependent on the situation. Hub Diam is really just the blanking distance for spokes, but bevels dont really use spokes,
so its not an important setting. Hole diameter should be set to the shaft diameter you'll use, plus any allowance for the 3d printers tolerance.
( I usually us a 1mm larger hole, so it fits snug but not tight on mine).

Settings differ between "Ticker" and "Gearotic" in bevel creation. Let me know which setting on which program confuses and Ill elaborate.

Tickers 3d bevels are better 3d objects, but only allow 90 degree bevels at this point. (Though some day will mimic gearotics..)

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