Ticker V1.00Beta released

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Ticker V1.00Beta released

Post by ArtF »

Hello Everyone,

Merry Xmas now that its December. A new release is online. The old installers have been removed and the
"Gearotic Motion.msi" installer is now the only one needed, with the exception of the separate Auggie installer.

Ticker is now in a folder of its own off the main folder, the root folder is embarrassingly full of eclectic files
and folders, and in an effort to clean it up, Ticker is now in a folder named "Ticker Kinetics" off the root folder.
It relies only on that folder, inserts nothing in the system and can be copied or moved if you wish.

Notes: As of this writing only 2 computers have tested Ticker. My computer is a I5-9700 running with a RTX2070S
graphics card and runs Ticker very fast. My system 2 years back was "Awesome" , its now "Good" in terms of todays
computers. My wife's computer on which I cannot stand to even surf the web it is so old and slow ( an old dell),
runs the program at a max of 30FPS. I would appreciate reports on what computer you have and how fast it runs.
( I may add code so you can send me a specs report, but Id like to also hear your experiences ).


1) Bugs Exist. A great many . Some sections are not yet complete, others may have bugs I'm not aware of, please
report any you find. Updates will be slower than usual as Id like each update to encompass many bugs and have
additional features.
2) While I have tried to explain how it all works, after a couple years of using it, I suffer from many biases in its use
that assure me that I haven't done a great job. Please ask when confused, or suggest upgrades to function that
would make it easier or more useful.
3) Bolts and Shafts are being recoded, they are broken in this version. They are not yet parts of the simulation
and are kept only for making 3d models of bolts and nuts. They will be redesigned to provide proper creation
for printing in the next version.
4) Bugs exist. Did I mention that, I catch a couple a week from my usage, I'm sure others will make the program do
things I have not yet considered. That's the thing about a free form program like this, someone will make something that
I cant possibly conceive of. All my creations so far are tests of one algorithm or another, so even I haven't sat down to
have fun playing. (Though myself and Bob have both gotten lost and mesmerized by motion for a few hours at a time
as we experiment. ). The practice of killing a puppy for each bug report will be put on hold for Tickers growth cycle,
so feel free to kick in with things that piss you off.
5) Show us snapshots of any of your creations, and drop comments and bugs in the Ticker forum I created this
month. I take great satisfaction from seeing what others come up with. As you can import your own STL's to make
things from, everyone's creations may be quite different from expectations. I had a human head spitting balls at a
conveyor belt the other day for example.

There are many things to clean up, to add, and the make better UI's for, but I truly think Ticker is ready for testing,
hopefully it behaves as well on your systems and it tends to do on mine, if not, we'll see what we can do.

Have fun, and a great holiday,

PS: subscribe to my YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/@ArtOfCNC for video shorts I will make to
explain concepts brought up in questions.
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Re: Ticker V1.00Beta released

Post by Mooselake »

I hope you included the human head spitting balls at a conveyor belt as an example :)

Thanks for another amazing thing, Art!

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Re: Ticker V1.00Beta released

Post by Mooselake »

Installed and just playing around, Lenovo G50-80 laptop upgraded to ssd and16GB, Core i5-5200U with on-chip graphics, 1366x768 display. So not the newest but it runs all the shop cad/cam software including vcarve desktop and gearotic. W10 latest or very close, didn't look, it's been off for a month or two. Trackpad, mouse ran off and is somewhere else. Here's a few observations.

Dropping ball demo works and seems to be a reasonable speed. About 60fps with the default settings, bouncing between 5x and 6x. The elapsed time, etc, display didn't appear on the first startup but did after I broke and restarted it.

In timing pulleys the data panel doesn't properly detect the mouse, it's an ever-increasing (as you go down the display) distance above what it affects. Same with the other gear and timing pulley sections. I think this was reported before and might be related to the comparatively low screen resolution

I loaded geneva4.mtass while still on the timing pulley display, when clicking simulation the tab flashes briefly but it won't switch to simulation. It will switch between gears/pulleys OK. Could be user error, exited and restarted

After restarting the geneva asset loaded and simulated, around 58 fps. It paused itself at about minute when I was typing, stop and run restarted it for another minute or so.

I probably won't be able to do much testing until around the end of the year, medical stuff followed by southward migration (what's all this white stuff on the ground???) and post-Ian cleanup. The eye went right over the southern Mooselake Manor which had minimal damage, but the yard is a mess and an older outbuilding ended up in the neighbor's pond in pieces. Hope to pick up an MDF rose engine on the drive south if the owner doesn't get tired of waiting. Should work great on wood for ornamental turning but probably won't do guilloche on metal. Well, maybe, it includes a cutting frame and drill (what we'd call a spindle) attachment, but reportedly not stiff enough for a traditional cutter. No geometric chuck, either, not in my budget range.

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Re: Ticker V1.00Beta released

Post by ArtF »

Thanks Kirk:

Redownload when you get a chance, I repaired the mouse being out of sync when maximized screen is used.
Thanks for the oddities.

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Re: Ticker V1.00Beta released

Post by Mooselake »

I am good at oddities :crazy:
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