Newbie question on shaft angle variations

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Newbie question on shaft angle variations

Post by magic36 »

Hi, My name is Doug, and I am building a 3" scale Traction engine and need to make various gears (some of which are bevels not at 90 degrees).

I have been experimenting with the differential bevels as these should* be fairly straight forward I thought.  When I enter the data on the input page, I can select 36 T crown wheel, 12 T pinion, 6DP, 0.75" face width. but strangely the shaft angle even though I edit the setting to make them add up to 90 degrees, comes back with just under 90 degrees.  When I export the project, and view the project details, the angle is even less than 90 degrees - I am confused as to why this might be.

I know what the gears "should" be for the differential as I made a set for a previous model using a published design, and thought I would check them with Gearotic, but I get slightly different numbers, and am not sure it his is because the dimensions are only shown to 2 decimal places, or if it is even possible to change the precision to include more decimal places.

Thanks in anticipation, and apologies if this is a very basic question...


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Re: Newbie question on shaft angle variations

Post by ArtF »

Hi Doug:

  For archival purposes Ill answer this here, though I also answered in email to you.

In looking into this I can see the two displays for individual angles are not used as entries, only
the shaft angle should be used. The program then finds the matching conical angles for that pair.
Only two gears with the same number of teeth can have 45 degree angles for example, and they
subdivide by a formulaic calculation of the required cones for the requested shaft angle.

  Its been awhile since I coded it but the formulas demand this to be calculated values for the
bevel angles for any shaft angle. As a result you cannot for example pick 80 and 10 degrees
for a 90 degree bevel pair.

  Im not sure why this is so, intuitively Id think any pair of angles would do so long as they total
90, but the formulas are pretty specific so I suspect I had good reason to implement it that way
though it may simply be a demand of the specification I used for its inception.


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Re: Newbie question on shaft angle variations

Post by ArtF »

Hi Doug:

  I looked into this to refresh myself as to why you can not simply pick two arbitrary angles
that add up to the required shaft angle. Intuitively you should be able to, BUT, the reason is
that each bevel is based on a cone and the meshing rules are that both cones must meet
at one rotational origin. So as tooth count changes, each cone changes to meet that objective,
  The formulas I send offlist detail how its calculated, but its basically a formula for the intersection
point of two cones of differing radii.

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Re: Newbie question on shaft angle variations

Post by magic36 »

Hi again,

Is there any tutorial or other information on how to set up a pair of bevel gears where the shafts are NOT at 90 degrees?  I want a 13T and 30T gear set, with a shaft angle of 26.5 degrees (see attachment).

Also, when doing 90 degree bevels, the program still seems to default to just a tick under 90 degrees in the detail data which really confuses me.  I've drawn a couple of different gears lately, and also checked with Machinery's handbook as I wanted to draw the blanks and send them away for gear cutting.  I have two bevels left to go, that as noted above, are not at 90 degrees.

With thanks and regards,

Doug Meller

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Re: Newbie question on shaft angle variations

Post by magic36 »

Oh - I think I just worked it out - I did not know you could over-type the shaft angle.

That seems to work. 


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