Re: getting the 57cnc to work with G540

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getting the 57cnc to work with G540

Post by DanL »

can someone please help me with this I can't work out how to get the 57cnc to work with the G540
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Re: getting the 57cnc to work with G540

Post by GlennD »

Asking a stupid question, are you making sure the enable is active or jumpered?
From the manual
The G540 is designed to fault unless there is a normally closed switch (functionally identical to a jumper wire) between TERMINAL 10 and TERMINAL 12 on the 12-PIN TERMINAL BLOCK. Without TERMINAL 10 shorted to ground the G540 will remain disengaged to the motors and will not respond to commands. The red LED will be illuminated if there is no jumper connecting these two terminals.

I have one laying around, I will give it try if I get some time this weekend.
Since it is just 4each of the G250s in there, would I think it should just be match the pins but I could be wrong.

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Re: getting the 57cnc to work with G540

Post by DanL »

I have the G540 wired correctly, Not a stupid question, that's a good question and it not in fault mode, I have V1.2 of the 57cnc so the lpt is pin for pin, it's the settings in the pokeys config that I can't work out
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Re: getting the 57cnc to work with G540

Post by GlennD »

It should work the same even though I don't have a G540 connected.

Can you do anything from the Pokeys Pulse engine page?
Here are my settings might get you started.
XYZ are pretty much all the same.
The values for the motion parameters aren't really set yet since the motors are just on the table behind me.
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Re: getting the 57cnc to work with G540

Post by DanL »

well I found what was wrong RTFM I was look at versions 1.1 manual, I have 1.2 there is a jumper you use for testing or running a machine or whatever you can have so it's only connected to a usb port what powers it for testing only, if you use it on a machine you move the jumper and power it from a external sources.
your pick helped a lot, thank you now I just need to work out how to set the limits and home switches through the test IO port.

once I have it all working I will do a write up here, with picks they help 1/2 noobs like me
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Re: getting the 57cnc to work with G540

Post by ArtF »

      Yell if you have trouble guys, BobL is hooking up a 56 to a G540,
he's going to document it as he goes as well. He's getting noisy motors
at the moment, so I think a grounding issue is there, but we'll let you know
how it goes.

  Bob wont be doing laser, he's hooking up a small engraving table, so
the 56 should be fine and a good example of how to swap Auggie to
a milling mode..


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Re: getting the 57cnc to work with G540

Post by GlennD »

Good deal glad i could help.
I have the 1.1 board.

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Re: getting the 57cnc to work with G540

Post by DanL »

they were expecting my order and new I was going to use it with the G540 it will be the only reason I got the 1.2, and they upgrade the freight as well, they are a top bunch those boy's, art made a good decision going with pokeys even though it cost me $200 ;D ;D.

I did not realise that you don't need to set any pins to get movement, you pick showed me that, then I look at the manual again and it did not look correct then I read through it and came across no mention of 1.2 only 1.1, then came the head slap got the 1.2 manual and just had to move the power selector and was all go.
do you know what the math is for setting the max speed, max acc and max dec.

Art I will do the right up for the 57CNC to G540 once I work out how to set the limits, home and spindle, and I will send it to bob as well as posting here.
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Re: getting the 57cnc to work with G540

Post by ArtF »


  >>do you know what the math is for setting the max speed, max acc and max dec.

  I advise setting a value at around 10000 for max vel, then set an accel and decel that move well
andbot accel and decel when you jog in the pokeys software. Set the accel as high as you can at
that speed up to like 1,000,000.

  Basically, you want to set the pokeys for the speed you wish homing to work at, then increase
accel to the point where its good and fast to start. Leave it there. In Auggie, you will then
set steps/unit, and a velocity in units/minute. The formula there is

MaxVelPerMin divided by 60 multiplied by stepsPerUnit must not exceed 125000 for the 57CNC or
30,000 for all other types unless they have an external engine attached.

  In Auggie set MaxJerk to 500, setup your max velocity till it sounds good,
if the accel is too slow, up the jerk to 5000, then start doubling it from there... till your happy with
the SCurving..


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Re: getting the 57cnc to work with G540

Post by DanL »

Art these boards are crazy, spent all day yesterday trying to get the motors to move, tryed to find what pins I need to set bla bla so on, turns out you don't set any it does it itself, same goes with the home switches 0 is the answer.
I was told these board where shit's of things to set up well they are not, they are too easy to set up.

on a side note in the pokeys software they seem to run the motors a bit smoother, than in auggie you can only tale by sound movement is fine. I have all motors working good, I have not tested homing yet, that will be some time this week, then I will get the limits and spindle going (does spindle control work in auggie). it will be through the G540 to a superpid.

the problem with the motors maybe because they are old sanyo decke steppers made in 1987
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Re: getting the 57cnc to work with G540

Post by ArtF »

Hi Dan:

>>I was told these board where shit's of things to set up well they are not, they are too easy to set up.

  I have to say its the easiest setup Ive ever done. Wiring is a bit of pain as I had to get all the various ribbons, but setting it
up is easy, and you can jog in the setup, so testing is easy. Its why I left setup in the pokeys, they did fine, why would I duplicate
it? Once we get a few users I suspect setup questions will be easy.. Rule generally is, get it jogging/homing in the pokeys ,
Auggie will take it form there.. (You'll notice Auggie has very little config..thats by design, I agree totally with Pokeys
putting the config in their device, I think it increases their versatility and is a HUGE part of why I selected a Pokeys
as the hardware I decided to work with. ).

    In the interests of fairness, and because I know almost all the hardware developers, let me state categorically that
I have no affiliation with Pokeys and no sort of business arrangement, when I praise their capabilities its an honest
appraisal, and if, at some point in the future another device is as feature rich in terms of C-Libraries and open development,
I may add that to the program to allow more people to play, I want a core set of abilities before Id even consider that
though as hardware variances cause a lot of trouble during development.. not so much after..

>>on a side note in the pokeys software they seem to run the motors a bit smoother, than in auggie you can only tale by sound movement is fine. I have all motors working good, I have not tested homing yet, that will be some time this week, then I will get the limits and spindle going (does spindle control work in auggie). it will be through the G540 to a superpid.

  Remember in Mach3 how Keyboard jog sounded better than planned motion? It was due to a differing way of doing the
accelerations. When you jog the Pokeys, what you hear is the old Mach3 jogging. Bang Bang accel from what I hear,
( thats not a knock, most hardware steppers are bang bang planners, but once Auggie starts doing Jogging or Planned motion,
both are SCurves planned, so timing variations are on purpose and change the sounds. Play with Jerk till your happy, but to
almost duplicate the old Mach3 sound, just set  jerk of  50,000,000. That will apporach the unlimited jerk of a bang bang.

>>(does spindle control work in auggie). it will be through the G540 to a superpid.

  The script calls are there. The super PID wants a frequency? Then Id feed it Axis #8 steps pulses, and in the
MainScreenInit script, call  FreeSetAxisType( 8,1 ); //sets 8 to freq. mode..

  Then in the SetSpindleState( state ) script, youd do something like

if( state)
    speed = GlobalGet("SpindleSpeed");
    FreeSetSpeed( 8, speed );
{ FreeSetSpeed( 8,0);

    Thats would allow a spindle turn on and off. And you could also add such a script to a
SpindleOn button and a Spindle Off Button. To complete the safety picture, in the
System callbacks there is a script canned OnEnable() in which we can put a spindle off
command so that an EStop will kill the spindle..

  When you get there we'll help and ensure the proper calls are available so your
options are large as to exactly how to set it up, and versions then will have that as a
default condition on delivery to be modified by folks with a different way of
controlling a spindle. Auggie should be able to handle pretty much all spindles,
including ModBus as Pokeys has ModBus built in as well...

>>the problem with the motors maybe because they are old sanyo decke steppers made in 1987

  No way of telling yet :), with experience, we'll all figure that one out.


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Re: getting the 57cnc to work with G540

Post by DanL »

Art even if you got a kick back from pokeys, I would never have a problem with that, you just made a trucken excellent selection.
leveing the settings in pokeys very good idea sinces I know that now  ;D,

it's matanices week, so I have a big router to check over squire up calibrate, a manual mill and lathe to do as well. so when I have time I have to finish the re wiring on my little machine before I get to try my hand a Monkey
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Re: getting the 57cnc to work with G540

Post by DanL »

Hi art still can't get the motors to run smooth, question is homing working in auggie, I have the home switches connected to the G540, by looking at the board pinout it looks like it won't work through Test IO.
they are connected and working through the G540 but doing nothing in auggie, I have not tried in the pokeys set up yet.

by looking at the pinout should I just connected them to the Axis switch connector.

the superpid is through the G540 I will start on the script when I have time. have not finished the wireing.

I will be putting the probe in the probe spot.

another question what are the plugs on the 57cnc called
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Re: getting the 57cnc to work with G540

Post by ArtF »


>>Hi art still can't get the motors to run smooth,

  This is yet an open question, BobL is alow trying to get a 540 to work and is finding the motors dont sound good, but
he says they dont sound good jogging in pokeys either.. I havent yet seen this and Im not sure if its a G540 thing or not,
but the one time I had very odd motion, it seemed as if I has two threads running in my CPU as a reboot solved all
that issue, it hasnt repeated. So we'll report in the next few days... Is your jogging good in the Pokeys, just noisy in
Auggie, or is it good in jog, bad in motion..or ? 

>> question is homing working in auggie, I have the home switches connected to the G540, by looking at the board pinout it looks like it won't work through Test IO.
they are connected and working through the G540 but doing nothing in auggie, I have not tried in the pokeys set up yet.

  You have to make sure they home in PoKeys, Auggie simply tells Pokesy to home that axis, its the only time , other then MPG
use where motion comes from the Pokeys planner.

>>by looking at the pinout should I just connected them to the Axis switch connector .

  Yes, or anywhere, but if you set them as pin0, you just use the input on the axis plug
on the pokeys..

>>>the superpid is through the G540 I will start on the script when I have time. have not finished the wireing.
>>I will be putting the probe in the probe spot.

  I dont yet allow probeing, but eventually.. :)

>>another question what are the plugs on the 57cnc called

  I call them a pain in the ass, but your free to call them as you wish. :)
Personally, I like the terminal strips better, but thats a highly personal thing.
But as it forces tme to add a din rail and some terminal strips, I should like them
better as the unit will look better..
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Re: getting the 57cnc to work with G540

Post by GlennD »

;D I agree with Art screw terminals would have been nice.
The connectors are IDC connectors as far as I know.
Digikey link for the cables that I bought.
The connector board I built has not been hooked up and tested so I haven't shared the files yet.  As soon as I get it hooked up and it works I will share.  Art's solution is easier since it is a purchased option but I am too cheap. :)
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