Latest Versions of Software

Information about latest Revision level of the software
and current Download Links.
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Latest Versions of Software

Post by ArtF »

Current Versions of software and their links.

This is the current stable version of Gearotic version 3.xx. It includes the old Gearotic unlinked as
Gearotic1.0.exe in the root folder.

It is a Win10 installer for Gearotic and also includes the program Ticker, which is a 3d physics simulator
for creating gears and bolts in 3d for 3d printing. Its size is approx.
121MB in size. Ticker includes the capability to create Worm, Spur, Bevel or helical gears
in many forms. It also will create shafts and Bolts of many standard types, though they may not.
be included in simulations at this time.

This is the downloader for Auggie, a scripted motion controller with two 4-axis trajectory
planners, 6th order jerk limited trajectory execution. Scripted GCode and an advanced
photographic engraving laser control interface. It requires the use of a Pokeys 57CNC
network IO device from This program is meant for the advanced hobbiest,
has a steep learning curve if you wish to modify it, but many examples exist on this
forum of user experiences and how they hooked up their lasers or CNC to Auggie.

NOTE: It is not unusual to get install warning as the software is not kept up to date with certification.
This is a secure download however, and the software may safely be installed.



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