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Re: Version 2.269 online

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 6:22 am
by danmauch
I too have a 24X34 100W Chinese laser . It's interesting. The manuals a hard to understand but I have figured out quite a bit One thing I like about lasers is they are not as messy as my router.  Here is a picture of a clock face that I recently cut.
Dan Mauch

ArtF wrote: Hi John:

Actually, I have 2 lasers. The one I share with you wont accept GCode, only dxf or rld's, ( and Im not sure what
the hell an RLD is..

In that laser I use only DXF's... so it wont run my playing card code. My second laser is a mach4 driven unit. When
Mach4 runs with Darwin, it will trigger my lasers output only in a g1 motion, not a g0. It will put out radiation at a
percentage of max power based on my S-Words command. It also only shoots one shot for each step pulse. (Which gives
me 250 shots per mm, whichis basically like having it on all the time when moving.

  This makes laser cutting and engraving so brain-dead easy I have been doing a lot of laser work indoors with this second unit.
( this is all because its run by the laser control panel in another thread..). This means I havent been braving the cold of my shop to
work on the laser we share. My thought was the design of a 3d printer with a laser diode that cuts cards, and kicks them to a pile
kinda like a modified card shuffling machine. At .3mm per card they may be a bit thick though.. hard to say. And my automatic
card changer ( Bob) is probably not 100% reliable all the time. Ive been pressing CycleStart, when it stops he changes the card and says
OK, and I hit CycleStart  again.. Ill need to build a card changer if I continue on this idea.. he's too expesnsive to feed..

  Anyway, that why you cant load my code, its only for a gcode driven laser, and only if that laser can be trusted to cut only in g1
moves ( and as far as I know, mine is the only one in the world that does that..though I see 2-3 more in the works.
  I have to say though, after using this for quite a while now.. this idea of shooting only when a step pulse is issued is a brilliant
way to control a laser ..should be a standard..


Re: Version 2.269 online

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 2:41 pm
by ArtF

Nice clockface..

  Yes, I have to say I enjoy using my lase4r more than my cnc.. though each is handy in different cases..
I just got a small ceramic laser ( so I have 3 now. :-) ), the small ceramic one is probably low power though they claimed
35watts on the sale.. Im betting 12 or so..

  Just goes to show, you can never have enough lasers. lol


Re: Version 2.269 online

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 3:07 am
by Mooselake
Where do you find a ceramic laser?  All I could find was research papers, laser holders, and tile engravers.


Re: Version 2.269 online

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 4:06 am
by ArtF
Hi Kirk:

  There was one on Ebay a couepl weeks back for 200.00 , I couldnt resit. It was a ceramic tube laser about 16" long, claiming 35 watts
and came with an RF exciter. Ill have it tested by next week, but the owner had a few and claimed this one was quite powerfull. From what
Ive read the ceramic laser last a very long time, and are very heat resistant. This thing is pretty cool. Im looking forward to playing with it..

  Here's a photo of what one looks like..


Re: Version 2.269 online

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 4:31 am
by John S
What will a 35w one do / cut ?

Re: Version 2.269 online

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 4:49 am
by ArtF
Hey John... :)

If it IS 35watt, its good for anything our 50's will do generally. But Im thinking its more like 10-15 watts, so its good for engraving,
or cutting rubber/paper ..that type of thing..


Re: Version 2.269 online

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 9:55 am
by John S
OK Thanks.
Was hoping for 10mm steel plate.................sigh............

Re: Version 2.269 online

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 3:30 pm
by ArtF

Start looking fer that YAG laser..


Digital Machinist.

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 5:30 am
by ArtF
Hi All:

I just recieved a copy of Digital Machinist magazine for Winter and wanted to thank Dan Mauch,
both for sending me the magazine and for the excellent article inside. Its always a pleasure to see others work
from Gearotic, and in a magazine it better still. Thanks Dan for all the work and for documenting it
so well for others. I bow in your general direction,sir. :)


Re: Version 2.269 online

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 5:36 am
by John S
Mine just dropped thru the door today in the UK but not had a chance to read it yet.

Re: Version 2.269 online

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 3:24 am
by Mooselake
Today's project was to try 3D printing a simple Graham escapement (yeah, I know, go reprint the roots first...).  While it hasn't gotten that far yet I found some typos.  In the Ratchet Params section Ratchet Depth is misspelled.  Pallet shaft diam(s) also has pallet misspelled.  Escapements is misspelled one the Lever Escapements tab.

The splash screen has entered a time warp, and says copyright 2013.  I'd like to join it and gain a couple years, but it's more realistic to suggest changing it to 2015.

Maybe I'll try the stl slicing and see how it compares to slic3r; at least you spelled slice right.

Congrats on the magazine article. &nbsp;Hope you sell thousands of copies of Gearotic. &nbsp;Tabs alone should sell a hundred<ducks>.


Re: Digital Machinist.

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 4:04 am
by danmauch
Delighted that you were happy with the article. The article was written around ver 2.0 and wow! You have added so much more to it that I think I will do another article using it. The only disappointment was they didn't publish the picture of the finished gears. You'd have to see the video link in the article.&nbsp; Hopefully, the article will generate many sales for you.
No, every time I use Mach 3 or Gearotic I turn to the Northeast and bow to you and your superb programming skills. Many thousands of us are the beneficiaries of your great works.
Thank you
Dan Mauch
ArtF wrote: Hi All:

I just recieved a copy of Digital Machinist magazine for Winter and wanted to thank Dan Mauch,
both for sending me the magazine and for the excellent article inside. Its always a pleasure to see others work
from Gearotic, and in a magazine it better still. Thanks Dan for all the work and for documenting it
so well for others. I bow in your general direction,sir. :)


Re: Version 2.269 online

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 5:27 am
by ArtF

&nbsp; Thanks, fixed for next release. One of my many weaknesses is spelling, not that I dont
know better, but I never check my typing. Once entered they dont stick out to me either..
so thx for pointing them out. :)


Re: Version 2.269 online

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 8:14 am
by Mooselake
Spelling's not my best area, but I've got the firefox spellchecker turned on...

Back in a past life I had to do a lot of technical proofreading, and errors still jump out.&nbsp; Submit a lot of typos to Amazon via the Kindle, even though nobody seems to do anything with them.

Glad to make a small contribution, and thanks for the undeserved mention in the program credits that I just noticed.
