Time to de-flash?

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Time to de-flash?

Post by Mooselake »

I've had flash turned off for years and just ignored all the adobe flash is blocked messages on gearotic.com, but I've been recommending gearotic whenever I can and just had somebody report that the flash animations (or whatever they were) on the site turned them off.  And that was from a router support faceplant group, a pretty low standard already.

Maybe it's time to flash new pictureware (or whatever's underneath those blocked messages) and wave goodby to Adobe's formerly glorious utility that's now a flash in the pan?

Couldn't figure out where to put this, feel free to flash new firmware if there's a better place

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Re: Time to de-flash?

Post by ArtF »


  Yes, probably about time, I hate webpage code so I tend to ignore, but Ill take a look at swapping those
video's over to youtube links..

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