display of circular gears

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display of circular gears

Post by Bryant »

i am having some display issues with my program
when i click on the circular tab in tools the display area shows no action
the non circular  functional and cage all work fine just the circular gears

have tried running as administrator
uninstall reinstalling  both the stable and not stable version on your website
any ideas

the older version 1.0 works just fine and is still great
but i would like to use the new version if i can

i  have
win 7 sp1  64 bit with quadro 4000 cards
32 g ram

thanks Bryant
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Re: display of circular gears

Post by BobL »


Interesting issue. not sure if sp2 for your Win7 would have any effect on this? Anyhow can you try setting in Gearotic global settings your fonts to "med" or "small" see if that makes any difference for you? I would have suspected if it worked in other modules inside Gearotic, then the circular module should also work, works fine here anyway.

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Re: display of circular gears

Post by Mooselake »

SP1 for Win7 was released in February 2011.  A lot of bad stuff has come along since then (think of the recent WannaCry Ransomware attack that essentially targeted Win7 - most XP machines crashed rather than installing it).  If there's even a remote chance that computer will even come close to the Internet, even through a firewall, update it to SP2 and all the subsequent fixes.  Sorry you missed the free Win10 upgrade.  Unless you've got some unique antique essential software package there wasn't really any reason to avoid the update - and even in that case you could have used a virtual machine or contacted the manufacturer, although at this point it may not be worth the cost to go to W10.  Update that Nvidia Quadro 4000 driver while you're at it, the latest release was last month, 9 May 2017.

All the Win7 machines I have responsibility for (it's still more than I'd like...), and all of my personal machines, have been updated to Windows 10.  Gearotic runs fine on the next to latest W10 insider preview (haven't gotten around to downloading last weeks yet) as do my 3D printers and related software.

With a workstation video card ($1200 at release in 2010) and that memory (32GB used to be some serious money) that must be an old workstation.  From reports here you're probably having an openGL driver issue.  It's pretty likely it's been fixed in the last 7+ years.

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Re: display of circular gears

Post by Bryant »

Kirk ,Bob

thanks for the input i tried a new driver for the video cards
i tried changing the font  tried putting my lucky sock on but nothing helped


you are correct its an older machine that i built about 5-6 yrs ago
i run two quadro cards with 4 monitors for doing large takeoffs for estimating
and lots of 3d solidworks and mastercam and other randoms stuff
i havent upgraded the os cause i will wait till the bitter end like i did with xp
i waited till all the bugs were worked out of 7 before i jumped on board
i have sp1 with most of the critical updates but the software that i use
is mostly from that era  with the combination of my pile of memory and setup my machine is still blazing fast
compared even to some of the highend worksataions some of my buddies have dropped big coin on recently

but aside from all that an interesting thought would be for me to set up a virtual machine of win 10
inside my win 7 box for some few progs that are not happy with 7
i have never set up a virtual machine is it difficult to do
i will have to research this
by the likes of your post you sound like you might be able to point me in a direction
any help would be great
thanks for taking the time

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Re: display of circular gears

Post by BobL »


I'm not the expert with compatibility between Win7  and Win10, however most Gearotic users using Win7 or Win10 do not appear to have this problem, so I can only suspect it is somewhere in your setup. Art is away on vacation, he might have some additional feedback upon his return to why this could be. If you performed all updates on your video cards drivers and with your Windows, I can only assume you'd be like most of us, and it should work, otherwise I'm not sure where to begin looking or what to tell you? Sorry..

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Re: display of circular gears

Post by Mooselake »

If the lucky sock failed then I'm out of ideas :)  Might need to wait for Art.

I've used the free VMWare in the past, but now that I'm virtually retired I try to avoid that kind of stuff and don't keep up.  Win 7 Pro used to have Win XP virtual mode that you could download; it ran a full included and licensed copy of XP in a virtual machine.  No idea if it's still available.  Looks like the Windows Virtual PC download is still available.  I just followed the directions, iirc the slowest part was creating the virtual disk and loading Windows.  10 under 7 should be real interesting; maybe you could get one of the insider preview disks and test it with that.

I still have a couple Windows 98 computers in the Mooselab, plus at several with XP, although they haven't been turned on in years.  My last remaining consulting customer (who wouldn't take "retired" as an answer) finally shut down the last of his W3.11 systems (hey, they were paid for...) some years back when I started to seriously stress that retired thing.  I was running out of old parts to patch them back together.  Wonder if the dual 5 1/4" floppy 8088 machine in the attic still works, and if I can find the DOS 1.0 diskettes and a monochrome monitor?  Anything that cost that much should run forever.

Two quadros?  4 monitors?  Sounds pretty serious!  That much power must dim the lights for miles around :)  No time for coffee breaks, either

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Re: display of circular gears

Post by Bryant »

i finally had some time i loaded up the latest version on a another machine with win 7 on it
fairly recent build  it worked great on that machine so the workaround for now is remote into that machine
use gearotic and save files to my drive on my work rig

so the conclusion is that my work rig maybe doesnt have the right  libraries or something is corrupted
does anybody know the requirements for gearotic program
im not a programmer but i know some progs need certain things to run correctly

i would like for it to work on my rig in my office
any help or insight would be great


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Re: display of circular gears

Post by BobL »


Glad you were able to sort out the problem for now, perhaps Art is the better one to define a conclusion to this problem rather than me, he should be back from vacation soon. Anyhow Thanks for the update, hope we can find a solution that works for you in your work rig.


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Re: display of circular gears

Post by ArtF »

Hi Bryant..

OpenGL can be a tricky bugger, it works on the vast majority of machines,
but the occasional one pops up that can drive you nuts. Generally all you need
is the Win7 runtime libraries, and a video card who's drivers are OpenGL friendly. If the video card is old, its a a good bet that it, Im not very friendly memory wise to video cards, I tend to drive them till they hurt..

  All you can really do in that case is make sure the video drivers are up to date....


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Re: display of circular gears

Post by Bryant »

thanks  for the reply Art

i have tried the most  recent drivers for my video cards
i tried some older legacy drivers as well
quadro 4000  they have 2gb  of  memory  the run my all my graphics stuff like a boss
there only about 3-4 yrs old

it tried to repair the runtime libraries that i found in the gearotic directory
i assume those are the ones needed for your program
is there any  net frameworks needed for your program i have had issues with those before

i also changed my theme to basic disable the areo have had issues with that in the past

is there any settings that i should be aware of for the open gl  for the display view window
there is a bunch of settings in my video card controll panel for program specific settings

gearotic displays everthing fine except for the circular gear  area
when i click on circular gear button  the display screen doesnt change at all
then when i click back on something else  the screen still remains the same until i rotate the view or
zoom in out then it refreshes and changes to the current selection

thanks for your time
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Re: display of circular gears

Post by ArtF »


  It may be a bug on my end, there is a refresh issue on some machines where the screen is there, but doesn't redraw until changed. It has to do with Gearotic using ribbon menu's that were of an early version before they became standard, it made the forms that make up the various screens interact strangely, but only on some systems. Its a messaging issue
within windows that I periodically try to make better.

  You do need the Win7 runtime libraries , but nothing else, for it to
be able to run, but I'm still trying to track down why it occasionally makes a system ignore screen redraws on some screens. Usually its the properties tab, but I have also seen as you describe. 

  When I get in there next, Ill see if I can add some other diagnostics. The more recent code Ive done doesn't seem to have that issue, but I now use frameworks a bit more advanced in things like Auggie or the new CAD system (Vexx) which is not yet released. I will eventually try to track-down why the issue no longer bites me on those frames but does in gearotics frame. (Which is now getting a bit long in the tooth..).


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