Grasshopper Escapement Simulation

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Re: Grasshopper Escapement Simulation

Post by marklazarz »

Thanks guys.  I noticed that it seemed to be an intermittent problem as well but didn't connect the reset to it's acting up.  Same with the time delay when invoking the Pendulum Calc dialog.  Sometimes it pops up instantly, some times there is a considerable delay, in fact over 10 seconds.
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Re: Grasshopper Escapement Simulation

Post by kit »

I'm seeing the same problem, both on my W10 laptop and W7 desktop machines. All seems well until I change the tip angle. This will upset the simulation as Mark has described. It seems too intermittent to find and exact cause but I have seen the simulation work correctly in 'project' but not in 'tools'. Saving the project, restarting GM and reloading the project (tested on the W7 machine) does not fix the problem.

However: Simply closing down GM and reopening it, then selecting 'Grasshopper' will open an escapement with the same settings I had set before closing it. This will simulate correctly in both 'tools' and 'project'.

Hopefully this will cast some light on the source of the problem.

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Re: Grasshopper Escapement Simulation

Post by ArtF »

Hi Kit:

Yes, some angle is getting hosed.. I have it on my list for correction soon..

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Re: Grasshopper Escapement Simulation

Post by marklazarz »

Just wanted to re-visit this topic to keep it fresh.  I know that Art will begin programming again after his summer hiatus and I didn't want this to be forgotten.  Thanks.
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Re: Grasshopper Escapement Simulation

Post by ArtF »

Thanks for the reminder Mark.. Im preparing for a release of the "What I did this summer" version :), so I will look
deeper into this one to see what angle I was disturbing..

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Re: Grasshopper Escapement Simulation

Post by ArtF »


  I have corrected and verified the fix for this problem, will be in the next release.

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Re: Grasshopper Escapement Simulation

Post by marklazarz »

Much appreciated Art!  I have taken a break from my clock/gear/kinetic art interests this summer and am looking forward to getting back in my workshop.  You hinted at expanding the grasshopper escapement offerings in the future.  Something like these would be awesome:  The ability to run simulations in Gearotic truly help with designing something that will be aesthetically pleasing.  I think a twin pivot grasshopper on a large diameter ratchet geared so it runs a day would look beautiful on a wall all by itself without necessarily setting the beat for a clock.

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