Things were going well. I made my first project with non-circular planetary gears. But then I wanted to modify my design to use fewer teeth to compensate for some assembly slop. Now, every time I add my planetary to the project tree, the entire ring gear gets filled in with a solid color. And when I return to the NonCircular Gears tab the teeth are gone from the ring gear. I've attached screenshots. What could I be doing wrong?
Thank you for your help.
This is like the teeth for the ring gear isn't a closed graphic and so when it gets colored the entire space inside the outer boundry is colored.
Project Tree
Re: Project Tree
Hi Bob:
Is this continuous on all planetary's from this point on? If you add or subtract a tooth does it still fill in?
The non circulars are made from a process of rack subtraction in a virtual sense. Its possible at some
settings that the subtraction fails and generates a profile with a hole that fills up. Sometimes just changing the module by .001
can fix it, or adjusting some other parameter. IF though, it now happens on all the planetary's you make,
upload a project file here so I can attempt to reproduce it. Ill issue a fixed version to you if I can see it.
Is this continuous on all planetary's from this point on? If you add or subtract a tooth does it still fill in?
The non circulars are made from a process of rack subtraction in a virtual sense. Its possible at some
settings that the subtraction fails and generates a profile with a hole that fills up. Sometimes just changing the module by .001
can fix it, or adjusting some other parameter. IF though, it now happens on all the planetary's you make,
upload a project file here so I can attempt to reproduce it. Ill issue a fixed version to you if I can see it.
Re: Project Tree
First I opened up my successful project and the project tree looks good. But I can't go back to the "NonCircular Gears" tab because I must have accidentially saved on top of it and I don't see a way to get what is in the project tree back into the gear module. There doesn't seem to be a "Send to design" for non-circular gears.
Circular gears seem to work fine.
To reproduce the problem I created a new project:
Go to Non-Circular in Tools, reset to defaults. Click Planetary, set wheel order to 4 and pinion order to 2. Tooth the wheel and pinion then click Create Wheel. Ring gear shows as solid in Project tree.
I fooled around with changing the Module and other settings but without success. I kind of feel like I'm shooting in the dark here.
I've attached the project file (SolidRingTest.gth)
For what it's worth, for this first project I'm creating little drink coasters. I've done other kinetic coasters and thought non-circular gears would be kind of fun.
Circular gears seem to work fine.
To reproduce the problem I created a new project:
Go to Non-Circular in Tools, reset to defaults. Click Planetary, set wheel order to 4 and pinion order to 2. Tooth the wheel and pinion then click Create Wheel. Ring gear shows as solid in Project tree.
I fooled around with changing the Module and other settings but without success. I kind of feel like I'm shooting in the dark here.
I've attached the project file (SolidRingTest.gth)
For what it's worth, for this first project I'm creating little drink coasters. I've done other kinetic coasters and thought non-circular gears would be kind of fun.
- Attachments
- (53.16 KiB) Not downloaded yet
Re: Project Tree
I seem to be dead in the water. I can open previous projects with non-circular gears and the project tree view looks good, but I don't know any way to edit those. Is there a way?
I cannot create any new projects with non-circular planetary gears. Changing the number of teeth or changing the module # doesn't help. If the test project I uploaded works for you, perhaps I need to reinstall?? Or remove whatever file gearotic uses to remember state. If I create a new project but not save it, when I restart gearotic2 it remembers my settings even though I did not save them. I don't see anything about this in the Global settings.
I just reinstalled Gearotic but I still cannot create non-circular planetary gears any more. Also, when I ran it, it came up with my last settings, which is problematic.
I cannot create any new projects with non-circular planetary gears. Changing the number of teeth or changing the module # doesn't help. If the test project I uploaded works for you, perhaps I need to reinstall?? Or remove whatever file gearotic uses to remember state. If I create a new project but not save it, when I restart gearotic2 it remembers my settings even though I did not save them. I don't see anything about this in the Global settings.
I just reinstalled Gearotic but I still cannot create non-circular planetary gears any more. Also, when I ran it, it came up with my last settings, which is problematic.
Last edited by bobgob on Fri Feb 07, 2025 10:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Project Tree
Hi Bob:
Terribly sorry, I hadn't noticed your posts waiting for approval. ( After 1 successful post no approval should be necessary so I didn't notice you were still on that status. Ill look into that.
I think what we need to do is to kill the settings that are saved in your registry.. there are two ways, one may work, the other will work.
First, run Gearotic and open a project. Open taskmanager and kill Gearotics process. Restart the program and it should ask if you'd like
to reset as it has seen a bad stop. Select Yes, hopefully, that fixes it.
If it didnt..
Open your registry with RegEdit in the command line of your start button. Browse to the key
"Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Gearotic-Thoughts" and delete it. The program should
now start up as virgin with no settings saved. Let me know if this doesnt help..
Terribly sorry, I hadn't noticed your posts waiting for approval. ( After 1 successful post no approval should be necessary so I didn't notice you were still on that status. Ill look into that.
I think what we need to do is to kill the settings that are saved in your registry.. there are two ways, one may work, the other will work.
First, run Gearotic and open a project. Open taskmanager and kill Gearotics process. Restart the program and it should ask if you'd like
to reset as it has seen a bad stop. Select Yes, hopefully, that fixes it.
If it didnt..
Open your registry with RegEdit in the command line of your start button. Browse to the key
"Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Gearotic-Thoughts" and delete it. The program should
now start up as virgin with no settings saved. Let me know if this doesnt help..
Re: Project Tree
Thanks so much Art! Killing the registry key worked and I'm back designing these funky (fun) gears.
All the best,
All the best,
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