Improper shutdown detected, then crashes

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Re: Improper shutdown detected, then crashes

Post by ArtF »

Hi Servo:

  That message means the last run of gearotic had trouble so it wants to know if it should reset all variables back to defaults. I do have reports from about 3 people who have
this issue with Win10. Im sorry that I have no solution at this time. One person reported
a reinstall of Win10 fixed his issue. You should try "Run as Admin" just in case its a
permissions issue. Also, make sure its installed to C:\Gearotic as per the default. Moving
it to ../Programs files/ will cause it to fail on some systems.

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Re: Improper shutdown detected, then crashes

Post by clasi »

Hi Art, I'm Chris and I have the same problem. I have used your wonderful Gearotic for years now on my Win10 PC but at some day it has stopped working.

When I try to open "Gearotic" from the Desktop I get the following error message:
"Improper Shutdown detected. Do you wish to reset all defaults in an effort to stop crashing? This may not be required and you should answer NO the first time you see this message".
I have tried "NO" and "YES" but the result is always the same. Nothing happens except the error report window is closing.

I have installed the latest version of Gearotic yesterday to "C:\Gearotic Motion" but the problem is still the same. "Run as Admin" makes also no difference.
For testing I have made a second installation at my second Win10 PC and there is everything fine. I can open Gearotic without any problems.

It would be great if I can use Gearotic again at my main computer. Do you have a solution that does not include a complete reinstallation of Windows 10?
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Re: Improper shutdown detected, then crashes

Post by ArtF »

Hi Chris:

Sorry I missed this message. It was stuck in a notifications folder.

You can delete the registry key, it may contain a stuck variable I hadn't thought could get corrupted.
Let me know if you still need to do this, Ill guide you through it.

Thanks, sorry again for the delayed response.
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Re: Improper shutdown detected, then crashes

Post by clasi »

Hi Art, don't worry. We are all busy. Yes the problem is still existing. Please guide me through the process. I'm sure it will be helpful for others, too.
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Re: Improper shutdown detected, then crashes

Post by ArtF »

TO Delete the Registry for Gearotic.

1) Open Regedit.exe from your start menu.
2) Find the key named "Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\GearoticMotion"

You can simply click the tree elemtns to get there.

3) Delete the entire folder named GearoticMotion

That sit. Gearotic doesnt insert itself into the system in any other way, if one find a permanent crash at startup, if it is a value
stored that is causing the crash, this will fix it. If it still crashed, reinstall, and if it STILL crashes, its likely a graphics issue
or some demi-god somewhere is pissed at you.

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Re: Improper shutdown detected, then crashes

Post by clasi »

Thank you for the description.

The first problem I ran into is that there is not registry folder with the name "GearoticMotion". I only have "Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Gearotic-Thoughts". So I have deleted that folder in the registry editor. But Gearotic still does not open.

So because Gearotic is not listed in the Windows 10 App list I could not uninstall it. Instead I have deleted the Folder "C:\Gearotic Motion" and the desktop shortcuts of "Gearotic", "Vexx" and "Ticker Modeller". Then I have downloaded the newest setup file from your website, installed it and copied the license file into "C:\Gearotic Motion". But the problem is still the same only without the error window. When I double click onto the Gearotic shortcut nothing happens. No error window opens but, Gearotic does not open, too.
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Re: Improper shutdown detected, then crashes

Post by ArtF »


Sorry about that, the key name is indeed Gearotic-Thoughts. ( My system uses many variation in testing and as I tend to actually do these fixes when I answer a question, the key I deleted was my Gearotic Motion Key. ). If you delete the Gearotic-Thoughts key you basically delete all Gearotic settings.
No reinstall is usually necessary, the program starts as if new when that key is deleted.

I'm not sure what of many possibilities would cause it to simply not open, I have seen such responses from AntiVirus software failing to install support files, but it sounds more systemic. Id expect at least one of the programs to open, Ticker at least. Do any of them do anything?

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Re: Improper shutdown detected, then crashes

Post by clasi »

Hi Art, "Ticker Modeller" opens without any problems but "Gearotic" and "Vexx" are showing no reaction when I doubleclick the desktop icons. If I make a right click to the "Gearotic" desktop icon and choose then "open" or "execute as administrator" I get the same result. Nothing happens.

In the installation folder I have found the "Gearotic1.0.exe" and I can open this older version without any problems. "Clock Gearing.exe" works also fine.

I have disabled my anti virus software for a test but nothing changes. I don't think that the anti virus software is the cause because the same anti virus software is installed at my other Windows 10 computer where I have installed Gearotic for testing as described below and there it works.

I don't know. Seems like I have to make my gears on my second computer. Thank you for trying to help.

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Re: Improper shutdown detected, then crashes

Post by ArtF »


Hard one. Im thinking maybe graphics card perhaps. I can tell its not protection, Vexx has none.
If anything occurs to me that you might try, Ill note it here.. Sorry for the hassle..

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Re: Improper shutdown detected, then crashes

Post by mariano diaz »

Hi ,
I just discovered that I have the same problem,
can you please let me knowif a fix had been found and please point me to it?
thank you
edit , been using gearotic in this computer until a couple of days ago..
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Re: Improper shutdown detected, then crashes

Post by ArtF »


If you've been OK till now, probably deleting the registry keys for Gearotic will reset it back to working.

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