Exploring fusion of objects, shaft

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Re: Exploring fusion of objects, shaft

Post by ArtF »

Hi Bill:

I opened these and they ran terrible. I was cursing myself , till I realized I haven't updated my desktop Ticker, so I ran
my compilers' version and it ran great. A really nice example of a crown verge. The bracket example is a perfect example of
a bug I must have introduced in my changes. Ill have to add something similar to my test collection that I use as a final test.

I will create likely this weekend a new topic for "Ticker - Escapements", where things such as this escapement can be shown
and discussed. Any working types, such as this crown model will be added to Ticker's release so that people dont have
to navigate a forum to find them.

Ill let you know what I finds with the bracket and why it seems so unstable. Seems designed properly, so it
should do fine.

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Re: Exploring fusion of objects, shaft

Post by BillM »

I decided to tweak the escapement one more time before going offline for a while.

I've simplified the experimental escapement and have attached a zip file with the model... it is now version-4. I also liked your idea of creating a functional mtass file with a working escapement. I've created an mtass from version-4 model and have now named it Crown-Verge Escapement V0.

When I first imported the new mtass file, the escapement blew apart. After looking at various settings I realized the the mechanical asset did not fuse the pallet shaft to the workbench. Once I fused the shaft to the workbench the model did run.

Crown-Verge Escapement V0.zip
Mtass version of Version 4 escapement now renamed as a Crown-Verge Escapement
(591.84 KiB) Downloaded 392 times
A-CrownVertical Bevel-4.zip
Version 4 of crown-verge escapement project file
(591.65 KiB) Downloaded 442 times
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Re: Exploring fusion of objects, shaft

Post by ArtF »

Hi Bill:

I have just uploaded version 1.16B which fixes the problem with the bracket and many other weirdnesses.

For the bracket, make sure you unlock the shafts for the bracket. If the crown rotates, it tries to rotate the brack on the crowns plane
which makes it blow apart.

Yes, fusing to the bench isn't in the mtass spec, as the mtass is meant to be fused to whatever a user is building. Version 1.16 seems the best
reacting so far, most of the weirdness is gone from testing, I still am searching for a couple of gremlins.
I also wondered why your shafts are named as numbers, till I found adjusting the shaft min or max was changing the name
of the gear or shaft. This is now fixed as well.

I know you'll be offline for a bit, so hopefully Ill have more additions by the time you return.Thanks for the
aid in debugging, and for the crown escapement. (I really like that crown, it shows how reactive those strange shapes can be. )

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