Experimenting with Mechanical Assets (mtass)

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Experimenting with Mechanical Assets (mtass)

Post by BillM »


I've been experimenting with the creation and use of mtass files. I'm going to describe some of my experiments but you don't have to pursue any fixes.

Experiment: Is there any limit to nesting Mtass files? Suppose I have two mtass files. One containing the pair of arms for an escapement. The second containing a rod.

I load the first file onto the workbench. I then load the second mtass file and try to attach the rod to the bottom end of the left arm, fuse the arm with the rod and then delete the rod's shaft. I load the second file again and try to attach the rod to the bottom of the right arm. I sometimes have trouble selecting the rod to fuse it with the arm. I've had to resort to the trick you mentioned about going to Sim and hitting Run/Stop before I can select the rod to fuse it to the right arm and delete the rod's shaft.

The result is then used to create a new mtass file that will be used as components to projects or modified once again to create further mtass files.

At this point, you might be thinking I'm a mad scientist...

I've also been exploring the features of fusion especially when fusing items residing on the same shaft. I'll write up something about this as a separate topic.

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Re: Experimenting with Mechanical Assets (mtass)

Post by ArtF »


There is no limit. You may be as mad scientist as you like. An MTass file is really a complete project stored in such a way it can be used as
a subassembly. I still am searching for why the physics solver refuses at times to acknowledge an item for selection, so I too press
STOP to reset its brain to where things are.
I have seen issues on fusing at times, specially with center of mass objects which I find float in position a bit too much.
My action list is long and often I find something is actually operating as it should, just not as Id expect... The reasons get
complex. The problem with physics simulation coding is that its like your playing with the universes constants, the slightest
change suddenly affects things you didn't expect. Its why I keep the floating collections project, it loads all types and simulates them
so after a change I run that to make sure I didn't suddenly create a universe where non round things like to dance..

Keep at er, be as mad scientist as you like.. :)
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