How to remove a Bezier Node?

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How to remove a Bezier Node?

Post by Pezwiau »


I can add a Bezier-Node using CTRL, but I found not how to remove it.
Can someone help me please on this?

Best regards and thanks

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Re: How to remove a Bezier Node?

Post by BobL »


Hope I'm understanding your question properly, if you created the node, than using CTRl-Z will remove it, otherwise you need to select the node using your mouse pointer, and click the Delete button to remove it. Hope this helps..

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Re: How to remove a Bezier Node?

Post by Pezwiau »

Thanks Bob,

unfortunately it does not work for me.

When I have selected the node by klicking on it once and hit the Delete button, VEXX deletes the whole segment.
When I have selected the node by keeping the left mouse button pressed and hit the Delete button, VEXX deletes the whole curve and I get VEXX error 1161.

Attached a screenshot and the file (generated with Gearotic)

best regards --- Peter

[The extension has been deactivated and can no longer be displayed.]

VEXX Error 1161 after deleting Bezier-Node.JPG
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Re: How to remove a Bezier Node?

Post by BobL »


Thanks for the report on Vexx, Removing a node follows the steps I previously mentioned, that is select it, and hit the delete key on your keyboard for it to go, however adding a node, isn't yet possible, or should I say not available in this version? We determined awhile back that you should be able to add reference points to line if you'd like, or you could just use Vexx tools, and draw intersecting line, this would indeed split the line and create new nodes automatically for you, as oppose to adding  individual nodes? The editing technique is a little different than some CAD programs out there, however you just need to draw new shapes or perhaps new intersects points that will correspond to your modified design? Using Vexx this way, creates all of the necessary nodes automatically?  Simply follow it up by using the scissor like cut tool to remove any segment you don't need and there you go. We found approaching this way was much easier and quicker to achieve results than some of the existing methods available today.  Please remember that Vexx is young, it is under constant development and continues to grow, some things work very well, other things may still have a few bugs for us to iron out. For me, the liaison of using an existing 2D item that can be quickly extruded into a 3D part, is my favorite part of Vexx.

    Anyhow as to Error 1161, it is likely caused from the fact your active menu wasn't closed properly before jumping into another feature of Vexx? Users must click the OK button once any editing is done,  in order to jump out of that mode, failure to do so may results in similar errors. I believe you get to reload your project once it reboots, however some users have reported at times it doesn't work so well and you must start from scratch. Always wise to backup your work often?

Moving forward, your observations have been noted, they will undergo a review at one point, any changes or clarifications will be posted on this forum for all to see. Again, thanks for your input.


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Re: How to remove a Bezier Node?

Post by ArtF »

Hi Peter:

 Sorry for the confusion on this one, you cannot yet delete a node. Raising the order of the bezier by adding a node can be done, but as yet I havent added a delete node to lower
the order of the bezier. ( I will be doing this soon. ).
 The error you got was likely my fault, when the curve was deleted it didnt properly remove it from the database the way you did it, Ive already corrected that for next release, Im a bit slow as Im working on a new toy as well as having modified the spirals to allow more control of
them, so changes will be in the next version, and Ill see if I can get node-delete in there as well,
it would have been out earlier, but is giving me a touch of a codeing challenge for technical reasons.

Thx, I appreciate such reports on Vexx, its still early in its development, but does seem to
be getting more usefull quite quickly.

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Re: How to remove a Bezier Node?

Post by ArtF »


  Just a mention here for archival purposes, in the menu of Vexx is a Debug Database menu item, it will be removed probably shortly, but its there for any database errors you may get,
these show up as errors, or as a condition where the contours have trouble being selected or seen. If this happens to anyone, select "Debug Database, Reset/Reset All.
 This rebuilds the database. Originally, I had a great many database troubles, they are much less frequent now and mostly the result of the trimming algorithms. As you might imagine, figuring out the intersection points of these curves, which can get very complex, is a hard
thing to get a handle on, so errors creep in. I think Ive caught most of them , I dont get many
errors myself, but should it happen, use Reset, it usually calms the trouble and can help get you to a spot where you can save a file, or reload a corrupted one.

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Re: How to remove a Bezier Node?

Post by Pezwiau »

Thanks Art for this detailed information!

Looking forward now for the next update, but will also continue to play around :)

Best regards --- Peter
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Re: How to remove a Bezier Node?

Post by BobL »

I stand corrected Art, thanks for your input and the recent updates.

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Re: How to remove a Bezier Node?

Post by Mooselake »

For now you might be able to use the free vector editor Inkscape if you can find a mutually agreeable file format between the two.

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