Questions about controls in the Augie Vector Processor

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Questions about controls in the Augie Vector Processor

Post by BillM »


I've been experimenting with the Augie Vector Processor but now have some questions on some of its features.

I have viewed your videos but questions still remain.

Object Types:
  I understand the Dynamic and Static objects.  What are the characteristics of the Kinetic object type?  Here is what I've observed so far:
A kinetic object acts like a static object.  Setting a fixed central pivot or enabling gravity interaction on a pivot is not possible.  Objects can collide with it and as such it seems to act like a static object.  Also pulling on the object while in run mode does not work.  When I add a motor to a kinetic object it acts as if collisions with it are disabled.

Vector OPS:
In the Vector OPS box, I have not been able to figure out the + or - operators.  I have successfully used the mirror and offset operators.  What is the intent of the + and - operators?

There is a button to the left of the simulation button that displays a chain and when the cursor hovers over it "Optimize Selected Programs" is displayed. What is it trying to optimize?

I'm slowly getting used to the "trim" function.  It doesn't funtion as cut operator.  It can slice objects into separate chains with a right click. A left click adds a bump to the object rather than cutting or "trimming" it. I have used the cntrl key along with mouse clicks with some success.

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Re: Questions about controls in the Augie Vector Processor

Post by ArtF »

Hi Bill:

>>What are the characteristics of the Kinetic object type? 

  A static object is a lump, never moves, the dynamic one have full freedom. As I recall a kinetic
type is a special object that isnt implemented, Im not sure it has any effect.

>>Vector OPS:
>>In the Vector OPS box, I have not been able to figure out the + or - operators .

  Draw two squares that overlap each other, the + and - will subtract or add them together.

>> cursor hovers over it "Optimize Selected Programs" is displayed . What is it trying to optimize?

  Sometimes contours get a bit corrupt or have duplicate entities and such, the Optimise checks
selected contours and fixes them if needs be. Use it if a chain doesnt seem to work properly. Rarely
used in fact.

>>I'm slowly getting used to the "trim" function.  It doesn't funtion as cut operator.  It can slice objects into separate chains with a right click. A left click adds a bump to the object rather than cutting or "trimming" it. I have used the cntrl key along with mouse clicks with some success.

  This is one of the reasons the kinetics simulator experiment was stopped. It became apparent that a much
more powerful drawing program was needed to do it all properly. Vexx was started as the eventual
replacement. Drawing in Auggies Vec processor is terrible, it just isnt powerful enough to do a proper job.
Im hoping the eventual code swap to Vexx allows a much  more powerful  version of this as Vexx is actually
getting pretty good as a drawing program.


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Re: Questions about controls in the Augie Vector Processor

Post by BillM »


Thanks for the explanations.

I use a combination of Gearotics to create the gear images & associated DXFs, Vexx to create more complicated shapes which are output as DXFs.  I use the Augie vector processor to import various DXFs and use its simulation tools to link objects together to get a reasonable looking simulation of a machine...not that I ever intend the machine to be built.

I am experimenting with a way to simulate an object similar to the 60's toy "Mr Machine"  it would have to be greatly simplified but it will be a challenge to implement something like this using the vector processor.

I am sure when Vexx gets developed enough to include simulation capabilities that it will be an awesome program.

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