Transfer Error. Disonnecting Device due to Com Error.

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Transfer Error. Disonnecting Device due to Com Error.

Post by MarkW »

I am unable to reliably run my laser via an Ethernet connection. I have used both cat5 wired and wifi to connect my laptop to the pokeys57 control board with similar results.  The wired connection is a bit more reliable but I still get random disconnects.  The wireless connection is less reliable that wired.  

While connected to with a USB cable I have no problems.  I have run the same "test job" repeatedly (about 8.5 mins) 20 times or so with no random disconnects.  I cannot run the job while using ethernet connections reliably.  I have tried reconfiguring the Pokeys57 network devise from the default 3 second timeout up to 1000 seconds.  No difference in symptoms.  I have turned off Windows Firewall (assuming the packet monitoring introduced delays) and that improved the performance a bit.  I was able to ALMOST finish my "test job" but just almost.  I would really like to be able to run this laser via the ethernet so I don't have to be physically in the shop to experiment with it.  (Yes, I use a wifi camera to monitor the activity when I'm not in the same room.)

I have posted the code and log file below.

The error is:
52:58:381  Transfer Error.
52:58:412  Disonnecting Device due to Com Error.

Any help would be much appreciated.


I forgot to include the fact that I varied the Lock Ahead parameter from my norm of 300 with no noticeable changes to the symptoms.  I cut it back to 50 and increased it to 500.  No effect.

And another forgotten tidbit.  I have disabled all scripts not being used.

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Last edited by MarkW on Sun Dec 20, 2020 5:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Transfer Error. Disonnecting Device due to Com Error.

Post by ArtF »

Hi MArk:

Have you set the Network Delay to 0 in the config/planner config page?

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Re: Transfer Error. Disonnecting Device due to Com Error.

Post by MarkW »

I'm embarrassed because I never saw that parameter.  Yes.  It is set to 0.  Is that what it should be or do you have a recommendation for its proper value?

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Re: Transfer Error. Disonnecting Device due to Com Error.

Post by ArtF »


Originally, it was used to stop an annoyance of a disconnect in IP traffic. It tells the program to allow a
bit of delay between packets. This is highly dependent it seems on your particular network and machine. I originally used 3 as a setting
when in USB as I found USB to  have a problem disconnecting on mine, when I went to network cable I
had no longer any disconnects. I run hours long programs with no trouble since I swapped to IP.

  Mine is now set to 0, but Id advise you try 2 or 3 to see if it makes a difference. The error your getting
happens if the system sends a packet to the Pokeys ands it refuses to allow it and sends an "I'm disconnected"
error back. Setting a delay may allow more time to let it process data or bypass a connection error.

Hmmm.. This one is important too, I just recalled it. Originally, I ran in USB and has a 500ma power supply or
something feeding the Pokeys.  Worked fine, but when I swapped to internet connection I was getting connection
dropouts. I figured out in the end my power supply had too little current capacity. I upped it to a 2 amp power
supply in the end as I found the more logic I used and  the more outputs, the PS loaded down to the
point you got the occasional reboot of the pokeys. I recall this also fixed a reboot issue for another user.
  So make sure the power supply isn't a small wall wart .. they dont have enough oomph...


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Re: Transfer Error. Disonnecting Device due to Com Error.

Post by MarkW »

I tried changing this parameter last night to 3 before you replied.  Holy cats!  After changing to 3 I moved the machine and it was like I had set the velocity to something far in excess of what my machine can do.  Jerked. Stuttered.  Missed steps.  Very violent movement.  I put it back to 0 and all motion returned to normal.  I then set to 0.025.  Motion fine.  Random timeouts were back.

I shut it down.

Interesting you had timeouts using USB get my USB connection is very reliable.

My power supply is heavy duty.  I built it a long time ago so I can't recall exact wattage but probably 300w or so.

I think I'll get some time to work on this today.  Think I'll try adjusting the delay setting carefully.  Also I'll look at overall network configuration.  I think I'll also try a direct Ethernet cable between laptop and pokeys57 as shown as one of the options in the pokeys57 doc.

Wish me luck.

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Re: Transfer Error. Disonnecting Device due to Com Error.

Post by ArtF »


  From your tests, Id leave the delay at zero. Codewise your test indicates zero isn't  low enough.
For some reason your getting disconnected , and it sounds more to me like lost packets. If the
pokeys see's too many missed packets I think it disconnects.

  Makes me wonder if something on your network doesn't like the traffic for some

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Re: Transfer Error. Disonnecting Device due to Com Error.

Post by MarkW »

Thx Art.  I think it's probably my network too.  I set delay at 1.  Same result so I went no further down that path.  Now for network...

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Re: Transfer Error. Disonnecting Device due to Com Error.

Post by Mooselake »

Do you have a spare ethernet switch or a crossover cable?  Limit the network to your PC and the pokeys, which would rule out all other network interference, might need to set up some static IPs to pull that off. 

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Re: Transfer Error. Disonnecting Device due to Com Error.

Post by MarkW »

Thx Kirk,  I do have a another switch and a crossover cable around someplace. I will probably be able to get back on this in a few days.  These things always seem to happen in bursts. I'll be sure to post my results here afterwards.  Who knows who else may run into this type of situation.

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Re: Transfer Error. Disonnecting Device due to Com Error.

Post by BobbyW »

MarkW wrote: Who knows who else may run into this type of situation.

I got some problem when i start , also randomly getting a big lag  like laser stop for almost 1 sec
at random interval of 30 sec . If you engrave something is pointless will destroy
you engrave . For cutting is just annoing.
I solve it putting rule on my network in IPconfig and i change the original to openwrt firmware
on that router used as a switch . That router connect only pokeys , my pc and camera . Nothing else.
And i never get that problem again.
Maybe help
SW cofig.jpg
Pokeys router.jpg
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Re: Transfer Error. Disonnecting Device due to Com Error.

Post by ArtF »

This discussion reminds me of an early problem I had with running Auggie during development.
I downloaded a packet sniffer to see what was going on and found a virus scanner locking up
my network intermittently with .5 second lockups.. Killed the scanner and forgot about it till

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