Is Axis Mapping possible?

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Re: Is Axis Mapping possible?

Post by ArtF »

Hi Scott:

Hmm, I will have to more deeply dive into Auggies code to refresh my memory to
answer this. I have a recollection of code I added that allows any axis to
be any other axis, but I cant recall the specifics or if I turned it on in the
release. I use Auggie for photos and such and run it on two different machines
but I haven't had to remap on either one so I cant really recall the
I will be away from the code as I have to enter the hospital for surgery
today and will not be back for a week or so. Remind of this question when
I return and I will post the details of what's possible. As I roughly recall
there is a script command or something to allow you to remap..
Is there any reason Augie wont run on your current machine? If its
a problem related to crashing or something let me know and Ill
see if I can help you there as well.

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Re: Is Axis Mapping possible?

Post by swpax »

Thanks Art. Good luck with your surgery! Hope all goes well.

Currently Auggie won't run on my machine at all. The Z axis won't move, X axis moves when it shouldn't and only 1 y motor will fire. The setup runs fine in Mach4.
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Re: Is Axis Mapping possible?

Post by ArtF »

Due to some pokeys changes over time, the ability to swap from m4 to auggie got touchy, you have to fully
reconfigure the pokeys and Auggie to make it work, and then totally reconfigure for mach4, the saved profiles only get
you close that last time I tried.

I just got home and will be recovering for a while, all went well, thx. As I cant move much I decided to dance visually
through Auggies code to refresh my memory. There is no axis mapping. The complexity of two running 6th order planners
each connected through the interpreter makes that a difficult thing to do. Auggie is incredibly complex even by comparison
to Mach3, which was a spaghetti nightmare of epic proportions.
But it was made for lasers, and does them justice. I dont in truth ever use Auggie for cnc generally, though I hear from
many that have adapted it to their cnc general machines for wood or metal. I dont recommend that path except the very
brave who like to experiment.
Its funny, but when asked about what Auggie can or cant do I often have to say I dont know. I wrote it in a manic year
of coding to prove to myself I could make my laser work better and to more fully test that planner. A sixth order planner
is still incredibly rare. (I find it highly desirable myself.)The C Script in code and all ​the various other things were just
added as future things to debug. I had to revisit most of that code as the result of general cnc based brave souls trying to
see Auggies motion helped them. As a result, those users are often more knowledgeable than I, except perhaps on the
esoterica of things like 3d laser sculpting. Because of the power of its scripted backend, it can be made to do things
that surprise me all the time. I haven't used it this year at all as I'm busy with 3d code, so only had time to burn a
couple decorations I needed on my galvometer laser.
​As I have another Pokeys 57 on my shelf I may yet build another machine to play with next winter, so Auggie
may get a Auggie2.0 at some point. My math skills have gotten so improved over the past 5 years that I see glaring spots
in there where I could do wonders for efficiency. Of course for Gearotic, the same could be said in spades.

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Re: Is Axis Mapping possible?

Post by swpax »

Thanks for the reply Art.

As I remember using Mach4 with my laser the issue lies with the continual M3 commands changing the Laser Power. Mach4 dec/accelerates at each M3S value change and the movement is quite jerky. In my naïve view, I will have to do some homework to see if I can map the Laser power output to the Zaxis height. If this is even possible, this should help the goal of trying to achieve constantly velocity.

Of course I could break down and build a bonified laser machine however what is attractive with my current setup is that I can swap between cutting and lasing without moving the work piece. I also have a 4th axis so I can rotary engrave also.

Wishing you a speedy recovery!
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Re: Is Axis Mapping possible?

Post by ArtF »

>>Wishing you a speedy recovery!

Thx. I feel younger each day and no longer have to talk to my doctors. This year has
mostly been a wash for me timewise, I've been able to do little other than research and

My problems with Mach under lasers were similar to yours. Laser cnc is quite different than most.
Firstly, lasers are unforgiving on power vs speed, and to do photos properly requires photo
grey scale data to change power fast enough, not to mention matching that power to
the ratio of speed.

Auggie is so much easier than that for me, Its knows that g1 cuts, and g0 doesnt. It knows
that travel is decelerating and thus must lower power as it does so you dont burn on corners
or radius. An S word, must be power because lasers dont have spindles. Mind you, these assumptions
make it hard on those that want to do normal cnc. There is no perfect cnc software in the world.
I use Mach3 on my tables, and Auggie on my lasers. If I had a metal working machine or professional
device Id likely use Mach4, but in truth I always found it too good for my kind. :) , Mach4 has
grown to a pretty professional bit of kit when I look.

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