Time for an informed decision

A forum for the Arduino based Mach4/Darwin Laser Control Panel
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Re: Time for an informed decision

Post by Mooselake »

Flow switches are easy to wire, put them in series with the laser enable switch.  However, you might have problems finding one that works.  I tried the T in switch from LightObjects, on the return line, and there wasn't enough pressure to close it.

After the T switch adventure (I want the switch on the return at the bucket in case a hose comes off, not just to prove the pump is working) I got a couple of these, from a recommendation I saw somewhere.  Apparently getting metric or US threads is kinda random, mine matched NPT fittings at the local hardware store, but other reviewers have said theirs were metric.  I've only blown through them to test switch closure, haven't actually tried wiring them in yet.

Of course, when you convert to Auggie you can make the switch a separate input rather than just inline with the laser enable.

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Re: Time for an informed decision

Post by Mooselake »

I did a bit more digging  (3D printer babysitting...) into Norton and LaserDRW, but not a lot of luck.  By any chance is it the error discussed here?

Otherwise lots of general grumbling about Norton, but no specific mention of LaserDRW.

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Re: Time for an informed decision

Post by Jerrywi »

Thanks Kirk
I went ahead and installed the Laserdrw software on my desk top computer that runs my cnc. it's not hooked up to the web so Im not that worried .
So I got the laser up and running and have been playing around. I've watched limited you tube tutorials (limited results)

Art and Kirk,

It took me a while to wrap my head around Mach3, G-Code, G540 controller,nc files, tap files, etc. etc. and cambam so my mind set is based on my CNC knowledge.
So I need to learn more about Laser hardware and software . can I use other design software that will be more user friendly now or after I change out hardware for auggie.
I have one last question, a few years back I purchased some 3d puzzles files that was downloaded as DXF files for 2d cutting on my cnc and EPS files for Lasers.
is EPS the file extension to Lasers as nc is to CNC Router files?

If anyone can point me to a link, forum  that will retrain my brain to better get a handle on the new toy.LOL

Thanks to all


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Re: Time for an informed decision

Post by DanL »

eps is a vectric drawing file not NC, it's the only program I have seen use .eps as a drawing file. if you post the files in a zip some nice person may convert them to .dxf or cut files
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Re: Time for an informed decision

Post by ArtF »

EPS is a vector drawing format, like dxf .. its specific to drawing programs usually, there is no real standard for lasers, I use DXF most of the
time on my dps driven laser. Ive never used the control you have, my advice woudl be not to swap out the hardware till your done
playing and Auggie is driving a laser properly..

  But generally, most cutting you do on a laser is DXF or other vector formats depending on the flavour of controller you have.
Usually you can find a converter to convert between various vector based formats..


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Re: Time for an informed decision

Post by Steve Fox »

DanL wrote: eps is a vectric drawing file not NC, it's the only program I have seen use .eps as a drawing file. if you post the files in a zip some nice person may convert them to .dxf or cut files
I'll give it a shot, if you want.
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Re: Time for an informed decision

Post by Mooselake »

You can import dxf files into CorelDraw with the LaserDRW plugin.  I cut some Gearotic eccentric gears out of acrylic using the combination without any major problems, although you may need to watch out for the beam width making the gears smaller than you want.  It was an issue for mod 1.0 gears...

I normally use LaserDRW where DXFs don't matter, partially because I spend too much time looking up how to do things with Corel (learned drafting with organic tools, i.e wood  pencils, none of this modern computer stuff), and partially because I installed things in the wrong order (too eager...) and only get one cut without reloading Corel.  Haven't gotten around to uninstalling and reinstalling to fix that yet.

Resurrected my 3D printer after 6 months of idleness, needed to reflash it after installing Z screws that had too little friction (default was to shut the Z motors off when idle, they then drifted down and made nice pancakes), got distracted.  Next up is to print some mounts to allow an adjustable Z table, get the laser put back together, and do some more pre-auggie lasering.  Down the road neighbor kids have discovered my toy collection, have been trying them out, and want to see more of them working.


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Re: Time for an informed decision

Post by Jerrywi »

Art, Kirk, Steve and DanL
Thanks Steve, I don?t believe I need to convert those files, since they provided two versions of the same
Plans. One they labeled ? DXF for cnc? and the second they labeled as ?Laser EPS?.
I.m using the Laser Draw. The coral is corrupt, states a file is missing.
It?s a journey figuring out the software and what each features does. Right now I can only print letters with a black back ground and white letters.
Can?t seem to find out how to print solid letters, without the background.  Tried changing background color and letter color fill, but it engraves the same way. Oh well, the journey continues.
I?d like to thank everyone for their input. That?s what I like about this forum. So many knowledgeable people out there.
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Re: Time for an informed decision

Post by DanL »

art get's ride of A hole fast. I dare you to ask a noob question on the linuxcnc forum
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Re: Time for an informed decision

Post by ArtF »

>>I dare you to ask a noob question on the linuxcnc forum


No such thing as a question too basic here, to my mind 90% of software writing is support,
and I dont think in 15 years of doing this I have kicked many or told anyone to go away because
their too dim. Specially here in Gearotic land.

    I know in some places "noobs" get a hard time, or users are scared to ask basic questions
thinking it will look too basic. I dont judge here. I try to guide conversations so others dont
either ( which on this forum has never really been an issue). This is partly because the types
of things done here are specialty items, and your generally at a certain level of expertise
when you arrive, but even if your not, the atmosphere here is kept as clean as I can
of any negative feedback based on inexperience. (When I wrote Mach1 I didnt know
a G41 from a G42..). By end of Mach3 I knew G-Code fairly well, and I owe much
of that to all the people that helped guide me. In this, I try to pay it forward.

  The most important one to help is the one who needs it most.. so if you ask me
what a "Computer" is, I wont laugh, though I may snicker internally. I was always proud
that the Mach3 group with thousands of members has lasted all these years and continues
with a very nice tone usually, (though its dying out now compared to the old days),
and with Gearotic, perhaps because one needs to ask to join, its always been an
extraordinary place to get advice. For me as well. As the code jockey I get
a lot of advice and ideas from this group...

  My thanks for that to everyone..



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Re: Time for an informed decision

Post by BobL »


I believe it was reference to some newbie questions on linuxcnc forum, no need to be alarmed.. As Art mentioned feel free to ask any questions, I know I sure do...

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Re: Time for an informed decision

Post by Mooselake »

Jerrywi wrote: ?art gets ride of A hole fast??
I thought it was a lead in to using arcs with auggie...   Dan was a joking, Jerry, a poke at less friendly sites where the pseudo know it alls don't know enough to help others.

While linux related forums seem to attract flamers that's never been the situation here.  Even my questions and comments have been graciously tolerated, with any laughing, snickering, and eye rolling done where they couldn't be heard.

Getting the right install order for the laser software involves some obscure arcania, and I wouldn't be surprised if the directions on the CD (which I found after the fact) are also wrong.  I rememberthe order being given on the G+ K40 group (which answers beginner questions btw) , and have seen them listed elsewhere - probably on the cnczone.com forums.  I have the parts designed (and one printed) to install my K40 table project and get the laser going again.  Until then you can turn up some laserDRW options discussions in english that will help you figure it out.  For letters you need to engrave (raster scan) rather than use vector cutting (one technique is to vector cut the outlines to sharpen the edges, then raster to fill them) to get them filled in, and check the "pour" box in the text options.  I've zipped and attached something I did for a local shop that might work as an example.  I practice on cardboard (cheap) at very low power settings, just watch so you don't set it on fire; keep a spray bottle of water handy and (like 3D printers) a fire extinguisher where you find it.

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Re: Time for an informed decision

Post by ArtF »


  Yeah, don't take any of this thread wrong, no flames were intended, in fact the point was to point out
we dont flame people here. lol

  On this forum you could ask what flavour cigars are best , and probably get an answer. I have a very
wide tolerance policy on discussions, so long as they help someone in a related field to what we play in
here the sky is the limit, and we all started somewhere. I dont even pretend to be a laser expert, I just
know I like playing with them and a project like Auggie will help alot of people understand or learn things
they didnt know.

            Trust me, no need to fade into the background around here, Im about to start teaching scripting,
and Im hopeing questions will run the gamut from "whats a variable" to "Hows a person generate a cycloidal
curve in script." , so whenever you feel curious or in any way feel youd like to understand something
better,post!. Im very much likely to bore you with an extended answer of how I understand something to work,
and have a propensity to go on for words and words and words when the mood hits me..
(See....look at the length of that...  )


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Re: Time for an informed decision

Post by DanL »

Jerrywi it was just a comment that art and bob looks after his forum members and if anyone is rude or nasty he jumps on it fast, the noob question you can ask any question you want to ask here, I have ask some silly questions myself and got a nice reply from other members art was on holiday.

if you ask a noob question on the linuxcnc forum you quite often get torn a new one.
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Re: Time for an informed decision

Post by Jerrywi »

I totally turned that post 180 degrees to the negative. I took it as a personal dare to ask a noobie question on the linuxcnc forum and not to bother this forum with basic questions.
I am literally turning 50 shades gray/ RED at this moment and angry at myself for not seeing the well-intended meaning in the post. Not sure why I got defensive/sensitive after reading  it.
I usually do a lot more research before I feel stumped and then reach out to the forum members for help. Admittedly I did not do my homework and got lazy and threw a bunch of questions out there for a fast answer. For that I apologize.
I owe this forum a Hugh apology for my unwarranted outburst and rant and on the other hand thank you all for clarifying the context of the post and reassuring me that any question is welcomed.
DanL, I personally owe you an apology for misunderstanding your post and welcome any future help you can give me.
I?ve peeked in on other forums and your right; some members were chastised for bringing up basic questions and that is a definite turn off.
Thank you all for your patience and understanding.
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