Welcome to Tickers..

Files, photos and discusions on Tickers and kinetic devices.
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Re: Welcome to Tickers..

Post by CW »

Hi All,

Here is my first attempt at Scimitar. As I don't have a CNC (yet,  :) everything was cut with a scroll saw. I'm trying to get it to run with just the arms on. there is about 1.5 lbs on the weight wheel. when i manually flick the vane assy. it only moves a small bit in the counterclockwise direction. The shaft is free wheeling. Any ideas why it is not rotating as it should? see this you tube link.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLKw2Zu ... e=youtu.be

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Re: Welcome to Tickers..

Post by ArtF »

Hi Carlton:

  Your really close...

  First, the main shaft seems resistive. Consider just that shaft with nothing else on the
board, if you flick it, it should spin several times before stopping, I see too much friction
on yours as it stops within a half spin or so, shoot for 5 full spinds from a simple flick
of the finger on that shaft.
  Second, make sure if you rotate it very slowly to the trigger point that the impulse
pallet is struck just at the right spot to give you maximum thrust. I cantr see in the video
if this is true or not so Ill mention it, but from what i see you may..only may.. be hitting it a
bit early so not as much energy is transfered as you might otherwise get.

  Your primary problem though is that the main shaft should spin much much more freely than you
have. Watch my video and see how freely that main shaft spins.

All that having been said, you are indeed very very close, only a tweak or so away from
your eureka moment and a happy face. :)

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Re: Welcome to Tickers..

Post by CW »

Hi Art,

thanks for the info. I went back and oiled the bearings and remade the main shaft mount as the front side bearing captive hole was a little loose thus there was excessive movement in the shaft. That was robbing some of the power. It's getting there.. thanks :)

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Re: Welcome to Tickers..

Post by ArtF »


  Glad its looking up. Its a typical experience really, and then suddenly it runs..and its all
downhill from there. Its one reason I love that ticker as an educational experience, it teaches
much more than it appears to on first glance..

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Re: Welcome to Tickers..

Post by TSP »

First go at a Ticker cut from 20mm Richlite on home built Mechmate CNC driven by Mach 3.Still some fine tuning to do but runs Ok.
Thanks Art for Mach3 and Gearotic. I am very interested in your Bat project and wondered if you will share the details of the mechanism?


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Re: Welcome to Tickers..

Post by ArtF »

Hi Tony:

  Fine looking ticker. :)

  Im still unsure about the Bat. Ive had many express interest, but Im holding out till later
this year as Id like to refine a bit of its mechanism. Thing is too big for me and Id like to both shrink it and make a few changes to its mechanism as Im not happy with its trigger. Im hoping in the fall
to be able to make a video of a bat mechanism freshly made and film the making of it.


Re: Welcome to Tickers..

Post by DHelmick »

Here is a video of my Ticker... Cut on my CNC Router Parts
48x 96 machine...

http://youtu.be/DMzQCbYH_NU?list=UUOp8G ... 8Wt4Kf_jxg

Last edited by DHelmick on Tue Nov 11, 2014 5:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Welcome to Tickers..

Post by ArtF »


Im sooo pleased to see how well folks have taken to Tickers.. Hopefully, I can do the bat in the near future so theres another plan

Great work, ..

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Re: Welcome to Tickers..

Post by Melissa »

Hi Everyone,  I'm a new to this forum, and new to creating clocks and kinetic Art,   I'm having problems finding Scimitar Plans on the forum could sometime please direct me to the location where they are located.
I'm having a great time reading about the information available to forum members.  I'm also looking forward to using Gearotic 2.2  thank you in advance for helping me out on the location of the plans and I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year...   :)
Last edited by Melissa on Sun Dec 21, 2014 1:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Welcome to Tickers..

Post by ArtF »

Hi Mellisa:

  The plans are in the first message on this thread as an attachment. Just download the zip file attachment. In it youll find the project files and drawings for Scimitar.  Yell if you need any help with it...

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Re: Welcome to Tickers..

Post by Melissa »

Hi Art,  Thanks so much for the information,  I would have never seen the link in the posting  :)
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Re: Welcome to Tickers..

Post by RG »

Lately I have been getting into projects that came with .DXF files, suh as Scimitar. I've imposed on a fellow woodworker to print them out for me and mail them to me so I could spray mount them on plywood and cut them out. Though I'm not sure, I ASSUME Staples or Office Max could print them out for me if they were PDF format.

My question is, does anyone know of a cheap or free conversion software program that would convert .DXF files to PDF? The few free ones I've tried won't make a PDF with multiple "pages" if the original .DXF files had multiple pages for different parts of the project.

I've tried asking our local university engineering dept. if they would print them out for me, but they only do work for students of the university.

Thanks for any advise.
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Re: Welcome to Tickers..

Post by Steve Fox »

Try this site.  I've had fairly good luck with them.  You tell them the file name and they email the converted file to you.
You can register with them, but you don't have to.


By the way, if you send them a file with multiple pages, they send back individual files of each page.

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Re: Welcome to Tickers..

Post by Bryan »

I bet you could download the free version of DraftSight

http://www.3ds.com/products-services/dr ... -[intext]-[www.solidworks.com]

which will load dxf files and then print to a file as a pdf.

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Re: Welcome to Tickers..

Post by ArtF »

Remember too, you can just telkl Gearotic to print the gears for glueing to a panel for cutting, GM will
print at a 1:1 ratio so the size is correct.

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