Ticker phase of clock project

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Stephen Fornelius
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Ticker phase of clock project

Post by Stephen Fornelius »

I still have to envision the hour and minute sprockets and chains

Sorry about the sideways video, but I have it cramped into a corner

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Re: Ticker phase of clock project

Post by ArtF »


  Feels good to watch it doesnt it? :)

Stephen Fornelius
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Re: Ticker phase of clock project

Post by Stephen Fornelius »

Its the worry about whether it will work at all first, then putting the weight on and setting the beat.  Then watching it tick and experimenting with pendulum bob weights.  AND finding out that there's still a lot of finishing work to be done before it runs like it should.

The next phase is to get it running at least 24 hours without stopping.  I have to check the alignment of the sprockets and figure out how thick the teeth should be.  I used Gearotic to develop the sprocket design, but used BobCAD/CAM (not recommended by me) to do the machining.  The tooth form to me looks a little fat at the base after machining so I think that's the main issue.

Once I have it running reliably, then I have to figure out how to extend the arbor on the 3rd or 4th wheel to get the drive for the hour and minute hands.  Might have the hands on two different drives.  More to figure out!

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