Which 3D Printer to Buy??

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A Guy In Town
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Which 3D Printer to Buy??

Post by A Guy In Town »

It looks like I will be drifting into the world of 3D Printing soon.

So many choices...  with no real knowledge about them.

So my budget is $5,000.00


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Re: Which 3D Printer to Buy??

Post by BobL »


Most filament 3D printers range anywhere from $400 to $1000 these days, I have no preference in manufacturer, but Ebay or Amazon is a good place to begin your search for these. Power printers on the other hand, cost way more should you want to go that route. Good luck, have fun.

Gearotic Motion
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Re: Which 3D Printer to Buy??

Post by Mooselake »

I have an Ender 3 Pro in our winter house, it's a good starter printer that will run you between $200 and $300 US.  They have a newer version, called the not very creative V2, that's added some tweaks and looks worth the small price increase, I just upgraded mine to the latest 32 bit controller used in the V2, which has the additional advantage that the cooling fans are the only sounds coming from the machine.

The Prusa i3 MK3S+, at $750US would be my choice for a higher end hobby printer.  Drifting into suggests you're not looking for a professional production machine, either of these, imho, are a good way to become familiar with hobby level 3D printing.

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Re: Which 3D Printer to Buy??

Post by mrehmus »

I started with a QIDI X-one printer in 2016 to print jigs and fixtures. It has worked well and is still working today.
Last December, I purchased a Bambu X1C, a modern printer with high speeds and multi-color capability.
Since I am now in a veteran's retirement home, I am limited to Sherline and TAIG-sized machines.
In attempting to bore a 1" hole in a 2-inch long piece of aluminum, the Sherline chucks were unable to hold the workpiece.
So, I printed a work holder in carbon filament-filled Nylon, which you can see here. It is strong and stable. I'll bolt it to the TAIG (CNC) mill table and whir away.

Link to the picture and video is below:
https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=91 ... 9960575816
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