Program Frozen after entering "0" value for pinion tooth count.

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Program Frozen after entering "0" value for pinion tooth count.

Post by Rickam »

Today is my first day with Gearotic and it is amazing. I'm also really enjoying the YouTube videos (Narrator is excellent!) 

I found that I was able to freeze the program by entering "0" value for pinion tooth count.  (I think entering the number "1" also had the same effect).   

I am trying to make a double spur gear with a spacer built into the top and bottom of the stack.  So I decided to try and make a gear with zero teeth to place on the bottom and top of the stack to serve this purpose as a spacer. 

I'm watching "ClockTutorial2.mp4" now so I'm guessing that I need to export to a cad program to add spacers, but I'm still learning so I'm not too sure.   

I'm a newby so I did not realize that saving a file will save only the "project" area and not the gear I had set up in the "tools" pane.  Or was this because I was unregistered when I saved my gears this morning - not too sure.  (I never made it as far as moving the gear to the 3D workspace).   

I am using version 2.229 on Windows 7.  -I will re-boot and re-install and try it again.- all best!
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Re: Program Frozen after entering "0" value for pinion tooth count.

Post by ArtF »

Hi Rick:

  Thx for the notification, Ill add a fix for 0's and 1's..

As for the stack, If Im understanding you , you wish to have multiple gears on a shaft with
spaces between? ( Youd just drop a gear on the screen, then drop another on the shaft of the first., the system will then allow you to drop it on any position on that shaft.. )

If Im misunderstanding..just yell... we'll figure it out.. :)

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Re: Program Frozen after entering "0" value for pinion tooth count.

Post by Rickam »

I'm trying to make a compound spur gear and I think I've managed to set it up by dropping the centre of one gear onto the other in the project view.  I have also managed to put a hub (or what I was calling a "spacer" in my previous post) by using the "Functional" button within the tool tab.  I've got a lot of learning to do! including all the terminology. 

- all best and thanks for the very cool software.
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Re: Program Frozen after entering "0" value for pinion tooth count.

Post by ArtF »

Hi Rickam:

To properly place a hub, just click on a gear your created to select it, and on the properties tab under
the screen, youll see two boxes.. one labeled Collar Radius %, and the other labeled Collar Width.
Enter 60 in the collar radius % and hit the respoke button, a hub will be attached ot the gear you have.

Hope it helps,
John T
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Re: Program Frozen after entering "0" value for pinion tooth count.

Post by John T »

I make many sizes of spacers by making the gear and then using the "strip the teeth" function that available on the project screen.

1% inspiration 99% try, try again
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Re: Program Frozen after entering "0" value for pinion tooth count.

Post by Rickam »

Hi John, thanks for that. (the strip teeth function)  I did discover that this morning and just used trial and error with the tooth size to get the diameter where I want it.  This is great software and I'm really stoked about using it!

I had the model just right in the Project 3d rendering but could not figure out of to fuse them together.&nbsp; I eventually managed to get all my component gears listed on the "Objects to export" list on the STL output module and that seemed to have done the trick!&nbsp; It took me a while to figure out that i had to select and highlight all my wanted items in the project tree by holding <shift> key but i got there in the end.

While using trial and error I did manage to generate an error trying to get what i needed for STL export, but I don't think I know how to repeat it. This came up once: Error Found Gearotic 1202, attempt recover:Y--> error 1167 then appeared several times then crash.&nbsp; I had saved my work so I was able to get up and running again quickly.

all best! and thanks again! - Rick.
I'm sure glad that worked as I was struggling with the exported DXF file in autocad.&nbsp; There is so much detail on the gear profile that it stalls (but not crashes) Autocad when I try to use the "Presspull" tool.

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